If you’re involved with a small business in the United States, you’re in esteemed company. Statistics from the U.S. Small Business Administration show if you’re looking at getting small business funding, you belong to a group that’s a solid underpinning of the American economy. There are 28 million small businesses in the United States that account for 54% of all the sales in our great nation.
Looking after the best interests of your enterprise means doing your best to recession proof it. After all, the same set of government numbers reports that small business occupies up to 50% of America’s commercial space which translates into 20-34 billion square feet. When you’re looking at finding the right loan for business products through our advisory services here at Reliable Fast Cash, it’s good to make sure you’ve done what you can to make sure your business has a forward looking plan —for your own bottom line and for the national economy at the same time. Here’s a few ways you can do your best.
- Planning for the unexpected might sound like a tall order in today’s climate, but it’s the new way business does business. The events of 2008 taught us that we don’t always know what’s over the next financial hill, and planning accordingly in today’s environment means looking at scenarios where there’s a sharp drop in sales, you find key staff absent because of a natural disaster and even what you’d do if input prices spike because of a weakened dollar.
- Getting the right help helps. Consultants can help your business with the macro picture and setting up an advisory board is a preferred method to get the external advice that can make a difference.
- Add to your line up. Small business funding is a great way to add to your products and services so you’re in a better position to weather the next recession.
Exporting is another tool that can put a buffer between your business and an economic down turn. Western Europe and Canada can offer opportunities and launching pads to emerging markets.